
Israel prevents the Spanish consulate from offering services to Palestinians.

In Jerusalem on February 24, 2019, Israel’s acting foreign minister Israel Katz, who also holds positions as intelligence and transport minister, was present at the weekly cabinet meeting. The photo taken by Abir Sultan shows Katz in attendance. To obtain licensing rights for this photo, please click on the link provided.

According to Foreign Minister Israel Katz, Israel intends to prevent the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from offering assistance to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank after Madrid’s recent recognition of a Palestinian state. This decision was announced on Friday.

In the ongoing dispute between Israel and Spain, a new development has occurred as Ireland and Norway have joined forces with Spain to recognize Palestine. This move is part of a larger effort to pressure Israel into ending their war in Gaza, where the death toll has already reached over 35,000. The relationship between these countries has been tense, and this latest development only adds to the animosity between them.

The three European countries have been accused by Israel of rewarding Hamas for their attack on October 7th, which resulted in the death of approximately 1,200 Israelis and foreigners and the abduction of roughly 250 individuals into Gaza. As a result, Israel has rejected the proposal.

According to Katz, Spain’s Labour Minister Yolanda Diaz made comments that he perceived as antisemitic. This week, a video posted on X showed her using the phrase “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea”, which greatly angered him.

The phrase, initially coined by the Palestine Liberation Organisation, is interpreted by numerous individuals in Israel as a demand for the annihilation of the state of Israel.

According to Diaz, who is the leader of the junior coalition partner Sumar in the Spanish government, her statement on Friday was intended to commend efforts towards achieving a peaceful resolution through a two-state solution for the Middle East conflict. She also clarified that she is not an anti-Semite.

During a press conference in Madrid, she expressed her disagreement with the politics of hatred. She clarified that the message conveyed in the video was to emphasize the significance of the country’s recent progress.

On Friday, Jose Manuel Albares, the Foreign Minister, stated that Spain is currently examining Israel’s choice to restrict the Spanish consulate’s capacity to assist Palestinians in the West Bank.

According to him, the discussion revolves around territories that have been acknowledged by the United Nations as occupied. He also mentioned that they are currently discussing with Norway and Ireland potential courses of action to be taken.

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The report was conducted by James Mackenzie in Jerusalem and Belen Carreno and Charlie Devereux in Madrid, with editing done by William Maclean.

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