
Understanding Donald Trump’s Conviction in the Hush Money Trial: An AP AUDIO Overview

The recent verdict of Donald Trump’s trial, which found him guilty of 34 felony charges, signifies the conclusion of the significant hush money case involving the former president. However, the dispute surrounding the trial is ongoing.


The sentencing phase is approaching with the possibility of imprisonment. There is also a lengthy appeal process ahead. Meanwhile, the expected Republican candidate for the presidential election still has to confront three additional legal cases and manage a campaign that could lead him back to the White House.


The conviction of Donald Trump for 34 felony charges signifies the conclusion of his significant trial involving hush money. However, the battle is still ongoing. Here are the key details to keep in mind.


    • The sentencing date is scheduled for July 11, which is just a few days before the selection of Trump as the 2024 Republican nominee.


    • Despite facing conviction and residing in Florida, Trump will still be eligible to vote as long as he avoids imprisonment in New York state.


    • It is uncertain if Trump’s potential status as a convicted felon will have any effect on voters during the 2024 election.


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In order to avoid plagiarism, it is important to have a clear understanding of what it is and the potential consequences it can have. Properly citing and giving credit to sources used in your work is essential. It is also important to use your own words and ideas when writing, rather than copying from others. If unsure, seek assistance and clarification from your instructor or a writing center. Utilizing plagiarism detection software can also help to identify any unintentional plagiarism in your work.


The jury in Manhattan deliberated for two days, totaling over nine hours, before reaching a verdict of Trump’s guilt of altering business records. This relates to a payment made to adult film star Stormy Daniels, known as “hush money,” during his 2016 presidential campaign.


According to Trump, he is an “innocent man” and considers the trial to be a “disgrace,” expressing his anger towards it while talking to reporters.


Here are a few important points to note from the verdict of the jury:


Time: 0 minutes 0 seconds / 43


According to AP correspondent Norman Hall, there has been a response from outside of Donald Trump’s Florida residence.




The current concern is whether or not Trump could potentially face imprisonment. The certainty of this remains unknown. Judge Juan M. Merchan has scheduled the sentencing for July 11, which coincides with the formal nomination of Trump for president by the Republican party, as reported on the Associated Press (AP) news website.


In New York, being accused of altering business records is considered a Class E felony, which is the least severe category of felony charges in the state. The potential penalty for this offense is a maximum of four years in prison, but the final decision would be at the discretion of the judge and there is no assurance that Trump would be incarcerated. Alvin Bragg, the District Attorney of Manhattan, has not disclosed if his office will pursue imprisonment as punishment.




On Thursday, May 30, 2024, outside Manhattan Criminal Court in New York, a demonstrator reacts to the guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump. Trump has made history as the first former president to be convicted of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in an illegal scheme to influence the 2016 election using hush money payments to a porn actor who claimed they had a sexual encounter. The photo, taken by Julia Nikhinson, captures the moment. The link to the image is provided in the markdown formatting above. The verdict was announced by a New York jury.

According to a recent article, if Trump is not incarcerated on Election Day, he may still be eligible to cast a vote for himself despite his felony conviction in New York.


The judge’s consideration of the political and logistical challenges associated with imprisoning a former president who is seeking to regain the presidency is uncertain. Other forms of punishment, such as a fine or probation, may also be considered. Additionally, the judge may permit Trump to delay serving any punishment until after he has completed the appeals process.


President Trump is currently facing the possibility of facing a longer prison sentence in three other cases, however, these cases have been delayed due to appeals and other legal battles. As a result, it is uncertain whether any of these cases will reach trial before the upcoming November election.




On Thursday, May 30, 2024, a media representative in New York was seen checking their phone for updates on former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial, as it came to a close. The photo was captured by Michael M. Santiago and released by AP.


According to the article, despite his conviction, Trump is still eligible to run for president and can also cast a vote for himself in Florida, as long as he avoids imprisonment in New York.


According to Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee and daughter-in-law of Trump, stated in a Fox News Channel interview on Thursday that in the event of Trump being convicted and placed on home confinement, he would still be able to conduct virtual rallies and campaign events.


In a country deeply divided, it remains uncertain if Trump’s previously unthinkable legal conviction will have any influence on the outcome of the election.


According to top strategists from both political parties, President Trump is still seen as having a strong chance of defeating President Joe Biden, despite the fact that he now potentially faces imprisonment and is dealing with three ongoing criminal cases.


In the immediate future, there were clear indications that the conviction was bringing together the various divisions of the Republican Party, as officials from all sides of the political spectrum showed their support for their embattled candidate for the presidency. Furthermore, the campaign reported a surge of donations within hours of the verdict.


According to a recent poll conducted by ABC News/Ipsos, predicting the outcome of a guilty verdict is challenging due to the hypothetical nature of such scenarios. The poll revealed that a mere 4% of Trump’s supporters stated they would retract their support in the event of a felony conviction, while 16% claimed they would reconsider.




On Thursday, May 30, 2024, in New York, former President Donald Trump exited the courthouse after being convicted of all 34 felony charges in his criminal trial at Manhattan Criminal Court. The jury’s decision was captured in a photo by Justin Lane/Pool Photo via AP. (×5106+0+0/resize/1198×800!/quality/90/?

Following his sentencing, Trump has the option to contest his conviction in a New York appellate court and potentially even the state’s supreme court. Trump’s legal team has already begun preparing for potential appeals, citing objections to the accusations and decisions made during the trial.

According to the defense, the judge has been accused of showing bias in the case due to his daughter’s employment at a company that has represented Democratic figures such as Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Despite the defense’s request, the judge has declined to recuse himself, asserting his confidence in his ability to maintain fairness and impartiality.

There is a possibility for Trump’s legal team to argue, during an appeal, against the judge’s decision to restrict the testimony of a potential expert witness for the defense. The defense had intended to summon Bradley Smith, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, to counter the prosecution’s claim that the hush money payments were a violation of campaign finance laws.

The defense ultimately did not call him to testify when the judge decided that he could only provide an overview of the FEC and could not give his interpretation on how federal campaign finance laws relate to the specifics of Trump’s case or give his opinion on whether Trump’s alleged actions are in violation of those laws. Expert testimony on legal matters is typically restricted, as the responsibility of informing the jury about relevant laws falls to the judge rather than an expert hired by either party.

The defense team may also make the claim that the jurors were allowed to hear explicit testimony from Daniels regarding her purported sexual encounter with Trump in 2006, which he has consistently denied. Despite their efforts, the defense was unable to secure a mistrial due to the lewd details that prosecutors extracted from Daniels. In defense lawyer Todd Blanche’s argument, he stated that Daniels’ account of feeling overpowered by the older and taller Trump was a subtle implication of rape, and was not relevant to the charges being presented. He further added that this kind of testimony makes it extremely difficult to overcome in the case.

An Argument Based on Trustworthiness

The guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump was announced outside the Manhattan Criminal Court on Thursday, May 30, 2024, in New York, leading to a reaction from the people present. This marks the first time a former president has been convicted of felony crimes, as a New York jury found him guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in an attempt to unlawfully influence the 2016 election through hush money payments to a porn actor who claimed to have had sexual relations with Trump. The photo accompanying the news was captured by Julia Nikhinson for the Associated Press.

The outcome demonstrates that the jury was not convinced by Trump’s argument, which centered on attacking the reliability of certain crucial witnesses, particularly Michael Cohen. Cohen, who was previously Trump’s lawyer, turned against him and directly accused him of involvement in the hush money scheme (

In the case of Trump, his legal team, like in many criminal cases, attempted to highlight their arguments during the interrogation of prosecution witnesses. The defense presented only two witnesses, one of whom was Robert Costello, a defense lawyer who had previously attempted to defend Cohen when he was being investigated by federal authorities for his ties to Trump.

According to reports, the decision to do so may have had negative consequences as it provided an opportunity for prosecutors to interrogate Costello about an alleged effort to persuade Cohen to remain loyal to Trump following the FBI’s search of Cohen’s property in April of 2018.

According to Costello’s testimony, Cohen assured him that Trump had no knowledge of the $130,000 payment made to Daniels as hush money, which boosted the defense’s case.

According to prosecutors, Costello was characterized as a “double agent” whose true intentions were to prevent Cohen from betraying Trump. They confronted him with emails sent to Cohen where he offered his connections to Trump ally Rudy Giuliani. In one of the emails, Costello assured Cohen to rest easy as he had powerful allies, and also mentioned that the White House had positive remarks about him.

In the courtroom, the judge was irritated by the persistent interruptions and eye-rolling of the aggressive Costello, even in front of the jury. The judge’s anger escalated when Costello was accused of staring him down, leading to the removal of the jury from the room. The judge reprimanded Costello and cautioned that any further disruptive behavior would result in his removal from the courtroom. Later, the judge briefly cleared the courtroom of reporters as well.


On Thursday, May 30, 2024, in New York, former President Donald Trump departed the courthouse following a jury’s decision to convict him on all 34 felony charges in his criminal case at Manhattan Criminal Court. The photo, taken by Justin Lane and provided by AP, shows Trump walking out of the courthouse.

Trump and his campaign projected confidence while also attempting to weaken the evidence against him in preparation for a possible conviction. He consistently referred to the entire system as “rigged,” a term he also employed in misleading statements about the 2020 election, in which he was defeated by Biden.

On Wednesday, Trump claimed that the allegations against him were unbeatable, citing Mother Teresa as an example. He referenced the Catholic nun and saint to support his statement.

The judge and members of the prosecution team have been heavily criticized by Trump as he attempts to portray the case as a mere politically-motivated witch hunt orchestrated by Democrat Bragg.

Not only has he expressed discontent with a gag order preventing him from discussing certain individuals involved in the case, but Trump has also chosen not to testify and face cross-examination. Instead, he has directed his attention towards the court of public opinion and the voters who hold the power to determine his future.

Washington was the location where Richer reported from, while the contribution of New York-based journalists Steve Peoples and Jennifer Peltz was noted by Associated Press reporters.

The text can be rephrased without any plagiarism by altering its structure, while still maintaining the same context and meaning. It is important to preserve the markdown formatting.

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